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What is Art Therapy like?

A typical session of art therapy will evolve us and art materials. The art materials are there for you to use in any way you like without any judgements on what you should or shouldn’t make. You do not need to be artistically good at art to do art therapy. People who seek art therapy are often those who cannot make use of talking therapy and who are maybe looking for something different. Art therapy sessions here are typically what I call non directive, which means you are free to create or talk about what you would like.

How will it benefit me/ How does it work?

Creating art can benefit you in many, many ways. Some use art as a way to explore feelings, to express yourself, to reveal feelings where words can’t quite fit or to do something while they are talking. The beauty of art therapy is that everyone uses art differently. The relationship between me, the therapist, you the client and the artwork all work together in creating change.

How do I know if I need art therapy?

Most of us nowadays can benefit from speaking to a non judgemental person, away from family and friends. The reduced £35 assessment session is there for us to find out whether art therapy may be of use to you.


How long is a session?


1 hour for adults and 45-50 minutes for children.

Does art therapy work?

Art therapy works for a range of different people in lots of different ways. It can help someone right now or years into the future. Or both which is often the case. Art therapy is about the relationship between the client and therapist therefore progress made will depend on the client's willingness to engage and the strength of the relationship. If you feel therapy is not working for you I’m happy to explore this further with you. Clients are often feel worse at the beginning of any therapy as feelings that have, at times, been suppressed are coming out. This can difficult but your therapist is there to support you through this.

I had therapy before and didn’t like it, why would this be different?

Every Therapist works differently. Although each Art therapist works using the same code of ethics each Therapist’s approach will be different as we as people are all different too. Which is why it is so important to find the right Therapist for you who you feel you can work with.

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